heat treatment

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Metal Characteristic

· Has a solid crystal structure

· Conductor of electricity and heat

· Reflect light and have its own gloss

· Easy to process and high in ductility (long stretched and thin)

· Properties can be changed by heat treatment

heat treatment

Heat treatment in metals is to change the properties of the metal to suit the purpose of use by changing the tissue while retaining the metal's.

By increasing the strength through heat treatment, you can make alloys with greater strength than existing materials, or make them softer.

In other words, depending on how heat is treated, 

microstructure can be handled in a variety of ways, and changes in the properties or mechanical properties of metal materials can be determined.

Heat treatment processes that change the properties of metal parts are very important to the automotive industry and other important industries.
Because this heat treatment process can control the properties of metal materials.

When heat treatment is performed, variations occur, but heat treatment is a big know-how to prevent this variation from occurring.

Different heat treatment methods are used and carried out depending on the customer's characteristics of where the metal is ultimately used for.

You can check the company's website for a number of heat-treated steels.

